
The 20 Most Common Surname In The World

Surnames have been an essential aspect of human identification since ancient times. They are a reflection of culture, traditions, and family lineage passed down from generation to generation. In the modern world, surnames have become even more critical as they aid in legal documentation, genealogical research, and demographic studies. In this article, we will explore the 20 most common surname in the world based on current statistical data.

The list of the 20 most common surname highlights the diversity that exists within different cultures worldwide. It provides insights into how people identify themselves and their families in various regions globally. Through analyzing these names’ frequency and distribution patterns across continents, one can gain valuable knowledge about global migration trends and societal changes over time. Join us as we delve into this fascinating topic and uncover some interesting facts about surnames around the world.

Key Takeaways

  • Surnames have been important for human identification since ancient times, reflecting culture, traditions, and family lineage.
  • The 20 most common surname in the world highlight diversity in different cultures, with Wang being the most common surname in China and Smith being the most common surname in several English-speaking countries.
  • Analyzing surname frequency and distribution patterns can provide valuable knowledge about global migration trends and societal changes over time.
  • Müller and Silva/da Silva are two of the most common surname in the world, while other surnames like Tesfaye, Ilunga, and Moyo have cultural and historical significance in their respective regions.

#1 Wang

The surname Wang, which is the most common surname in China and one of the top 20 most common surname in the world, reflects the cultural and historical significance of family lineage in Chinese society. This name has been used for thousands of years and has a rich history that is deeply ingrained in Chinese culture. The literal translation of Wang is “king”or “monarch,”which highlights the importance placed on family hierarchy.

The popularity of the Wang surname can be attributed to several factors, including its association with royalty and nobility throughout Chinese history. Additionally, many families adopted this name during ancient times as a way to show their reverence for Confucianism, which emphasizes filial piety and respect for elders. Today, Wang remains a popular choice among parents who hope to pass down their family legacy through their children’s names, making it not only the most common last name in China but also the most popular surname in the world.

Will Smith Famous People The 20 Most Common Surname In The World – The 20 Most Common Surname In The World – Surnames have been an essential aspect of human identification since ancient times. They are a reflection of culture, traditions, and family lineage passed down from generation to generation. In the modern world, surnames have become even more critical as they aid in legal documentation, genealogical research, and demographic studies. In this article, we will explore the 20 most common surname in the world based on current statistical data.

#2 Smith

One of the top 20 surnames globally, Smith has its origin in Old English and refers to a skilled tradesman or metalworker. The surname gained popularity during the Industrial Revolution when metalworking became a significant trade. In fact, it is estimated that there are around 4 million people with the surname Smith worldwide.

According to data collected by Forebears, a genealogy website that provides information on surnames, Smith is the most common surname in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States. It is also among the top ten surnames in England and Wales. Below is a table showing some countries where Smith is one of the most common surnames:

USA32 Million1
England4 Million5
Canada1 Million2
Australia0.8 Million
Scotland.25 Million

Smith’s prevalence as a surname can be attributed to factors such as colonialism and immigration patterns. Moreover, it has become so ubiquitous that it has inspired idioms such as “keeping up with the Joneses”(referring to another common surname) and even spawned fictional characters like John Smith from Pocahontas. Despite its widespread use, however, tracing one’s lineage through this name can still prove challenging due to its frequency and lack of distinctiveness.

#3 Devi

Originating from the Sanskrit word ‘devi’ meaning goddess, this surname is commonly found in India and Nepal. It is often used as a first name for girls in these countries, reflecting the cultural significance of goddesses in Hinduism. The name Devi has been associated with various deities such as Durga, Kali, Parvati and Saraswati who are worshipped by millions of people across India.

The surname Devi is also believed to have originated from the community of people called Devis who were involved in weaving activities during ancient times. This community was predominantly found in the northern parts of India where they specialized in making silk and cotton fabrics. Over time, people from other regions began using this surname which eventually spread throughout the country and beyond. Today, Devi is one of the most common surnames not only in India and Nepal but also among Indian diaspora communities around the world.

#4 Ivanov

Ivanov is a surname that has roots in Russia and other Slavic countries, with its etymology stemming from the first name Ivan which means ‘God is gracious’ in Hebrew. This surname is commonly found among people of Russian, Bulgarian, and Serbian origin. In fact, it is one of the most common surname in Russia and can be traced back to the 15th century, where it was used by members of the aristocracy.

Here are some interesting facts about the Ivanov surname:

  1. In Russia, there are over 5 million individuals with this surname.
  2. The Ivanov family was considered one of the most influential families during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II.
  3. Famous individuals with this surname include Soviet Union cosmonaut Yuri Ivanovich Malenchenko and Russian ice hockey player Sergei Vladimirovich Ivanov.
  4. The feminine form of this surname is Ivanova.

#5 Kim

The surname Kim has a rich cultural history and is commonly found among individuals of Korean origin. It is the most common surname in South Korea, accounting for over 20% of the population. The name has been traced back to a ruling family during the Silla dynasty (57 BC-935 AD), with Kim Alji being the first recorded ancestor.

The popularity of the name can be attributed to its association with royalty, scholars, and prominent figures in Korean history. In fact, there have been numerous influential Kims throughout history such as Kim Yu-sin, a general who played a key role in unifying Korea during the Silla dynasty; Kim Dae-jung, former President of South Korea and Nobel Peace Prize laureate; and Kim Jong-un, current Supreme Leader of North Korea. Today, Kims can be found all over the world due to migration and globalization.

CountryPercentage (%)
South Korea21
United StatesLess than 1

Interestingly enough, while it may be one of the most common surnames in South Korea, it is not as prevalent in other countries where Koreans have migrated to such as China or even within Korean-American communities in the United States. Regardless of its distribution around the globe however, there’s no denying that this surname holds an important place within Korean culture and history.

#6 Ali

Ali is a name that has transcended cultures and languages, becoming synonymous with greatness and inspiring countless individuals around the globe. It is one of the most common surname in the world, with over 150 million people bearing this name. The origins of Ali can be traced back to Arabic and Persian cultures, where it means “elevated”or “exalted”.

The popularity of the name Ali can also be attributed to its association with famous historical figures such as Muhammad Ali, the world-renowned boxer, and Imam Ali, one of the central figures in Islamic history. Furthermore, many parents choose to give their children this name as a way to honor these great men and instill their values in future generations. Overall, Ali represents not only a cultural tradition but also a symbol of excellence for millions worldwide.

#7 García

García is a Spanish surname that has a long and rich history, with its origins dating back to the medieval period. The name itself is derived from the Basque word “gaztea,”which means young or youthful. Over time, it became a popular surname among people of Spanish origin and has spread throughout the world.

One reason for García’s popularity as a surname is due to Spain’s colonization of Latin America. Many individuals who descended from Spanish settlers adopted their surnames, including García. Today, García is one of the most common surnames in Latin America, particularly in Mexico and Argentina. It also appears frequently in Spain and other parts of Europe, as well as in the United States due to immigration patterns. Despite its widespread use, each individual with the surname García has their own unique family history and cultural background that shapes their identity.

#8 Müller

Originating from Germany, Müller is a surname that literally translates to ‘miller’ and has become a popular last name across Europe. It is believed that the name was first used to denote individuals who worked as grain millers or flour makers. Over time, the name became associated with other professions such as bakers, brewers, and even judges.

Despite being a relatively common surname in Germany, Müller has also spread throughout the world due to emigration. Today, it can be found in countries such as Austria, Switzerland, Brazil, and the United States. Some interesting facts about Müller include:

  • Famous individuals with this last name include German footballer Thomas Müller and Austrian composer Johann Nepomuk Hummel.
  • The fictional character of Lisbeth Salander from Stieg Larsson’s “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”series also bears this surname.
  • In some cultures, such as Jewish culture, Miller (a variation of Müller) is considered a holy profession because of its association with producing bread – an important symbol in religious ceremonies.

#9 Silva/da Silva

The surname Müller may be common in Germany, but it pales in comparison to the ubiquity of Silva/da Silva in Brazil and Portugal. In fact, Silva is the most common last name in Brazil, with over 10 million people bearing it. The name likely originated from the Latin word silva, meaning “forest,”and was used to describe someone who lived near or worked in a forest.

The prevalence of this surname can be traced back to Portuguese colonization of Brazil, which began in the early 16th century. Many Portuguese immigrants settled in Brazil during this time period and brought their surnames with them. As a result, da Silva became one of the most popular surnames among Brazilian descendants of these immigrants. Today, it is estimated that approximately 1% of all people with surnames worldwide have either Silva or da Silva as their last name.

#10 Mohamed

Mohamed is a surname that has Arabic origins and is commonly found in many Arab-speaking countries. It is the second most common surname in Egypt, after Ali. The name Mohamed derives from the Arabic root word, “hamida,”which means “to praise.”This name carries great significance in Islam, as it is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad.

The popularity of this name can be attributed to the spread of Islam throughout history. Muslim conquests led to Arabs spreading their language and culture, including their surnames. Today, Mohamed can be found not only in Arab-speaking countries but also in other parts of the world with significant Muslim populations such as Indonesia and Malaysia. Despite its widespread use, however, variations of this surname exist across different regions and cultures. For instance, Mohammed is a more common variation in Pakistan while Muhammedova or Makhmudova are more popular versions in Central Asia.

#11 Tesfaye

What is the significance and cultural origins of the surname Tesfaye? The surname Tesfaye is one of the most common surnames in Ethiopia, where it originated. It is derived from the Amharic language, which is spoken by a large percentage of Ethiopians. The name itself means “hope”or “expectation,”which reflects its cultural significance as a hopeful and optimistic name.

The surname Tesfaye has deep roots in Ethiopian culture and history. It is often associated with Christianity, which has been an important part of Ethiopian society for centuries. Many prominent figures in Ethiopian history have carried this surname, including athletes, musicians, politicians, and religious leaders. Today, it remains a popular choice for parents seeking to give their children a meaningful and culturally significant name.

#12 Nguyen

Nguyen is a Vietnamese surname with origins dating back to the 10th century, and it remains one of the most prevalent surnames in Vietnam today. The surname derives from the Chinese word ‘Ruan,’ which means soft or gentle. Over time, it evolved into its current form, Nguyen, and became widely adopted by Vietnamese people.

According to recent statistics, Nguyen is currently the fourth most common surname in the world, with over 40 million people bearing this name. In Vietnam alone, approximately 40% of the population has Nguyen as their last name. The widespread use of this surname can be attributed to historical factors such as colonization and assimilation of Chinese culture into Vietnam. Additionally, many families chose Nguyen as their surname during feudal times when they were required to take on a new family name upon entering imperial service. Today, Nguyen continues to be a prominent symbol of Vietnamese identity and cultural heritage.

CountryNumber of People with SurnamePercentage
Vietnam39 million42%
USA1 million~0.3%
France100 thousand~0.15%

The table above shows that while there are significant numbers of individuals with the surname Nguyen residing outside of Vietnam (in countries like the United States and France), it still maintains its strongest presence within its country of origin. Furthermore, despite being one of the most common surnames globally, variations in spelling exist due to transliteration issues between different languages and writing systems used around the world. Despite these discrepancies though, it is clear that Nguyen holds great significance for millions worldwide in terms of their cultural identity and personal history.

#13 Ilunga

With its complex and nuanced meaning, the Bantu word ‘ilunga’ has gained attention for its potential to evoke a sense of empathy and understanding in individuals. The word is often translated as “a person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, tolerate it a second time, but never a third time.”This definition speaks to an individual’s ability to show forgiveness and patience towards others, while also setting clear boundaries when necessary.

Perhaps what makes ilunga so captivating is its recognition of the complexity of human relationships. It acknowledges that people will inevitably make mistakes or cause harm to one another, but also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and learning from these experiences. By embodying this concept in our own lives, we can cultivate deeper connections with those around us and foster a greater sense of compassion within ourselves.

#14 González

González is a Spanish surname that has been traced back to the Visigothic era. It is believed to have originated from the Germanic name Gundisalvus, which means “battle-ready.”Over time, variations in spelling and pronunciation have occurred, with some common forms including Gonzales and Gonzalez.

To gain a deeper understanding of this surname, here are three interesting facts about González:

  1. It is one of the most common surnames in both Spain and Latin America.
  2. Famous individuals bearing this surname include Spanish footballer Fernando González and Mexican-American actress Eva Longoria.
  3. The coat of arms for the González family features two gold lions on a red background, symbolizing strength and courage.

#15 Deng

Deng is a Chinese surname that can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty, with variations in spelling and pronunciation over time. It is one of the most common surnames in China and has spread throughout the world due to migration and globalization. According to statistics, Deng is ranked as the 12th most common surname globally, with an estimated population of over 60 million.

The origins of Deng are uncertain, but it is believed to have been derived from a place name or a personal name. The character for Deng (邓) consists of two parts: “walk”on the left side and “top”on the right side. This suggests that it may have originally meant “to walk on top,”possibly referring to a high-ranking official or someone who lived in a mountainous region. Today, many famous people bear this surname such as Deng Xiaoping, who was a prominent leader of China during the 20th century.

#16 Rodríguez

Rodríguez is a Spanish surname that has a rich history and cultural significance. It is derived from the Germanic personal name “Roderick,”which means “famous ruler.”The surname has been in use since the Middle Ages, and it was particularly popular among the nobility and royalty in Spain. Many famous individuals throughout history have borne this name, including Spanish painter Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez and Mexican-American baseball player Alex Rodriguez.

The surname Rodríguez is prevalent not only in Spain but also in many other countries around the world, particularly those with significant Spanish-speaking populations. In fact, it is one of the most common surnames worldwide, ranking as the ninth most common in Mexico and the tenth most common in Argentina. Today, there are millions of people who bear this distinguished surname, each with their own unique stories and experiences that contribute to its rich cultural legacy.

#17 Moyo

Originating from the Shona language of Zimbabwe, Moyo is a surname that has gained popularity in recent years. It is derived from the word “moye,”which means “heart”or “life.”The name carries significant cultural and spiritual meaning for the Shona people, who believe that the heart represents the essence of life. As such, individuals with the Moyo surname are seen as being blessed with a strong life force and are highly respected within their community.

Here are some interesting facts about the Moyo surname:

  1. The name is predominantly found in Zimbabwe and other parts of southern Africa.
  2. Many prominent individuals bear this surname, including former Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana and renowned musician Oliver Mtukudzi.
  3. The name has several variations, including Moyana and Moiyo.
  4. In addition to its traditional meaning, some people interpret Moyo to represent courage and resilience in times of adversity.

#18 Hansen

Hansen is a surname that has gained popularity in many Western countries, evoking feelings of familiarity and connection among those who bear it. The name derives from the Scandinavian word “hans,”meaning “son of John,”making it a patronymic surname. Hansen is one of the most common surnames in Denmark, where it originated, and it has spread to other parts of Europe and North America.

Interestingly, there are variations of Hansen found in different regions around the world, such as Hanson in England and Hanson or Hanssen in Norway. This highlights how surnames can evolve over time and across cultures. Today, many people with the surname Hansen may not have any direct familial ties to Denmark or Scandinavia but still carry on the legacy of their ancestors through their last name.

#19 Lopez

Lopez, a Spanish surname that has become increasingly popular in the United States, has been theorized to have originated from several different sources. One possible origin is the Latin word ‘lupus,’ meaning wolf. This could indicate that the Lopez family had a connection to wolves or werewolves in their history. Another theory suggests that the name comes from the Basque language, with ‘lopez’ meaning son of Lope. Lope was a common first name in Basque country and this explanation offers another possible origin for the Lopez surname.

The popularity of Lopez as a surname can be attributed to its widespread use among Latino communities in America. However, it is not solely limited to these communities and can also be found in Spain and other parts of Europe. The significance of surnames like Lopez lies not only in their historical origins but also in their cultural importance for those who carry them today. Understanding the roots of these names can help us appreciate the rich diversity of human societies and how they have evolved over time.

#20 Kumar

The surname Kumar is of Indian origin and can be found among various communities in South Asia. The name derives from the Sanskrit term ‘kumara’ meaning ‘prince’ or ‘youth’. It is a popular surname in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Fiji. In India alone, Kumar is the 3rd most common surname after Singh and Devi.

Kumar is not only a surname but also a first name given to boys in many Indian families. It has been used for centuries and signifies youthfulness and royalty. Historically, it was used as a title by princes during the Mughal Empire in India. Today, it remains an important part of Indian culture with many famous personalities bearing this name including Bollywood actors Akshay Kumar and Rajkumar Rao. With its rich history and widespread popularity across cultures, the surname Kumar continues to hold significance among millions of people around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the origin of each of these surnames?

The origin of the 20 most common surnames in the world varies widely. For example, Smith is an occupational name from Old English, while Kim is a Korean surname derived from Chinese characters. Understanding these origins can provide insights into cultural and historical contexts.

Are there any variations or alternative spellings of these surnames?

Variations and alternative spellings exist for most surnames, resulting from historical changes in language and spelling conventions. These variations can differ between regions or even within families, leading to diverse forms of the same surname.

How many people in the world have each of these surnames?

It is impossible to determine the exact number of individuals with each surname worldwide, as data collection methods vary. However, estimates suggest that the most common surname may have over a billion people bearing them, while less common ones may have only a few thousand.

Are there any famous or notable individuals with these surnames?

Numerous famous and notable individuals have the 20 most common surname in the world, such as Lee Kuan Yew with the surname Lee. However, there is no direct correlation between a surname’s popularity and its association with famous or notable figures.

How have these surnames changed or evolved over time?

Over time, surnames have undergone various changes and evolutions. A surname’s origin can be traced back to a specific region or language, and its meaning may have been altered as it passed down through generations. The study of surname evolution is an important aspect of genealogy and linguistics research.


The list of the 20 most common surname in the world is a fascinating one. It reveals not only the immense diversity of human societies but also their unique histories and cultures. From Wang to Kumar, from Smith to Lopez, these surnames are like codes that unlock the secrets of our past and present.

Yet, for all their significance, these names can also be misleading. They may suggest a sense of belonging or identity, but they can also create barriers and prejudices. In some cases, they may even obscure the true complexity and richness of our individual lives. So while we should celebrate the diversity represented by these surnames, we should also remember that they are only part of who we are as human beings. We are more than just labels or statistics; we are living stories waiting to be told.

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